Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society (Singapore) (ACIS)

Mission: The Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society (Singapore) is an independent professional society in Singapore with the following objectives:
- To advance the knowledge and practice of medicine in the fields of allergy and clinical immunology
- To promote research in the Republic of Singapore in allergy and clinical immunology
- To organize scientific discussions, workshops, symposia and conferences related to allergy and clinical immunology
- To acquire, establish, print and publish books, magazines, periodicals, leaflets or other literary or scientific works that the Society may think desirable for the promotion of its objective
Founded: 1976
The Singapore Society of Immunology and Rheumatology (SSIR), formed in 1976, took on the task of promoting the education of doctors in Singapore on allergic disorders with the return of Dr Chng Hiok Hee from her training in USA. In January 1990, the society was renamed the Singapore Society of Immunology, Allergy and Rheumatology (SSIAR) to reflect this added role. With the increase in the number of allergists/immunologists in Singapore and a greater interest in allergy amongst related specialties such as dermatology and otorhinolaryngology, members of SSIAR agreed in 2004 that the time was ripe for the formation of a separate society for allergy/immunology. Therefore, the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society Singapore (ACIS) was established in 2005, and the SSIAR was renamed the Singapore Society of Rheumatology (SSR) to reflect its focus on Rheumatology.