Czech Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (CSAKI)

Mission: Promoting high-quality standard treatment of patients with allergic and immunopathological diseases, participation in organizing education, defining diagnostic and treatment standards, and promoting high-quality research in the fields of allergology clinical immunology
Founded: 1957
Members are not only allergology and immunology professionals (including nurses and technicians) but also other medical specialists interested in the field, as well as researchers in theoretical immunology. As a professional medical organisation, it is a member of the Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyně. Its activities cover the promoting of high-quality standard treatment of patients with allergic and immunopathological diseases, participation in organising education, defining diagnostic and treatment standards, and promoting high-quality research in the field for allergists and immunologists in the Czech Republic. It is headed by an Executive Board, with independent sub-committees for laboratory clinical immunology and clinical immunology nurses, and for laboratory technicians.
The Society organises regular monthly scientific meetings and (with the Slovakian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology) annual congresses which are alternately in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia.
Two prestigious awards are given every year. The Dr. Josef Liska Award is given every year for the best research publication and for the best monograph. The Professor Vladimir Zavazal Award is intended for persons who contributed substantially to the development of the field.