Yerevan, Armenia: 17-18 October 2024

The Armenian Association of Allergists and Immunologists (AAAI) hosted its first World Allergy Training School (WATS) in Yerevan, Armenia.
WATS is part of WAO’s Emerging Societies Program (ESP), with the objective to develop learning communities appropriate to a specific regional context while strengthening existing knowledge and skills for treating all allergic diseases. The WATS are made possible through the support of the World Allergy Organization and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI).
The international WAO faculty included allergy experts from the United States, Egypt, and the United Kingdom. Dr. Dana Wallace (United States), co-chair of the ESP/WATS committee and faculty lead was joined by Dr. Elham Hossny (Egypt) and Dr. Daniel Munblit (United Kingdom). Dr. Kristina Jamalyan, President of AAAI and local organizer, introduced the program and served as moderator along with Drs. Manana Chikhaldze, Hripsime Krnatyan, Titatin Chikovani, and Marina Khaskhazyan. In addition, Ereboouni MC, therapist Hovsepyan Ruzanna led the workshop on spirometry.
The WATS agenda incorporated an interactive teaching approach and included lectures om asthma, drug allergy, atopic and contact dermatitis, anaphylaxis, food allergy, and diagnostic testing, each with a corresponding workshop.
The WATS faculty also presented lectures for the II Armenian National Congress on Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology on October 18, 2024 on the topics of Management of Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, Anaphylaxis, and Chronic Urticaria.
With over 200 registered WATS/conference attendees, representing Armenia and Georgia, with the majority made up on students, residents, allergy fellows, and young practicing physicians, this educational event provided an excellent learning experience combining didactic lectures and workshops with collaboration and informal sharing of practice experience. Many thanks to all who participated and helped to organize this successful event.